dark green leaves
In addition to the cabbage, spinach, broccoli, arugula and other dark leaves can not Bionatrol Keto Burn Weight loss Tips paln miss the diet for gastritis, as they are good sources of iron and vitamins A, C, K, nutrients that act in Bionatrol Keto Burn Weight loss the healing of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Mint, Chamomile and Rosemary
These three herbs are allied with good digestion and help calm the stomach, reducing the Bionatrol Keto Burn fitness production of acids. Consume them in Bionatrol Keto Burn Shark tank the form of tea, always without sugar and without sweetener.
Aloe Vera Juice
Also known as aloe vera, Visit Our Website Page Aloe Vera has healing action and can help heal irritation and even stomach wounds. It is possible to find the juice already ready in natural products houses.
Espinheira Santa
Holy espinheira tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to heal the stomach lining. Bionatrol Keto Burn Diet Tips The medicinal plant also acts to fight H.pylori and decreases gastric acid secretion.
To prevent or cure gastritis, have a cup of santa thorn tea 30 minutes before your main meals.
The diet for those with gastritis should focus on as much cooked and digestible food as possible. When in doubt between eating raw or cooked cabbage, for example, prefer the second option.