Just Keto Diet Australia In this scenario, the boiled egg diet seems to be a slightly more reasonable option as it does not exclude any food groups or suggests a very low calorie intake. It is important to understand how the boiled egg diet works, the menu and tips for not getting back fat with the concertina effect.
What is the Boiled Egg Diet?
This diet consists of consuming a poached or boiled egg before the three main daily meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just Keto Diet Australia The bias in the boiled egg diet to lose weight is to increase satiety with the egg and reduce calorie consumption during the next meal.
All of this, of course, coupled with a mildly low-calorie diet - that is, contains fewer calories than your metabolism needs to perform your daily activities. Just Keto Diet Australia This means that the boiled egg diet is a calorie-restricted eating plan that utilizes the highest protein satiety power to cause weight loss without having to starve like other highly restrictive diets.
How does the hard-boiled egg diet work?
Why include three eggs in the diet? Does the egg lose weight? Just Keto Diet Australia There are actually several reasons why consuming boiled eggs before a meal can be a good idea for those trying to lose weight. See why:
The egg brings satiety
The egg is rich in protein and fat - about 6g each per unit - two nutrients that digest slower than carbohydrates and thus bring more satiety. Just Keto Diet Australia To be broken down into amino acids, egg proteins require a large energy expenditure by the body, which is forced to draw energy from its reserves to aid digestion.
Just Keto Diet Australia In other words, consuming a protein-rich, carbohydrate-free food like the egg speeds up metabolism and causes a mobilization of fat - especially abdominal fat, leading to increased lipolysis (fat burning) to aid digestion. Just Keto Diet Australia Therefore we can say that the boiled egg burns fat (in the absence of carbohydrates).
Just Keto Diet Australia Consuming a whole egg before each meal will make you feel satisfied with a smaller amount of food at the next meal, making it easier to maintain a low calorie diet.
Just Keto Diet Australia And this statement has scientific proof. In a study by the Rochester Center in the United States, researchers found that eating breakfast eggs can decrease calorie consumption throughout the day - up to 400 calories less over a 24-hour period.
In the study, 30 overweight or obese women received a breakfast containing either two eggs or a bagel (a type of ring-shaped bread) with a complement, both options having the same amount of calories and protein.
After following the study participants' eating habits throughout the day, the researchers noted that those who had eaten eggs for breakfast felt less hungry before lunch, and as a result consumed fewer calories during the meal. Just Keto Diet Australia Not only that: For the next 36 hours, the egg-eating group consumed an average of 417 calories less than the one who got the bagel at the first meal of the day.
Remember that for you to get a similar result, Just Keto Diet Australia your diet must be low calorie.
Egg is a source of vitamin B12
The vitamin B12 helps you lose weight indirectly . Just Keto Diet Australia That's because it helps metabolize protein and fat, producing energy that makes the body more active during the day. Just Keto Diet Australia This means that vitamin B12 stimulates metabolism and can help in reducing the body's fat stores.
Just Keto Diet Australia In addition, the vitamin B12 in your egg will make you more energetic and willing to exercise, which may also help you lose weight.
The egg is a source of tryptophan.
Just Keto Diet Australia The egg is one of the best sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the production of serotonin (a type of neurotransmitter) in the brain. Just Keto Diet Australia Among other functions, serotonin can control appetite and decrease binge eating, as well as decrease anxiety and stress.
Adequate levels of tryptophan in the body can diminish the urge to eat sweets and facilitate the weight loss process by Just Keto Diet Australia decreasing hedonic hunger - Just Keto Diet Australia that hunger that appears even when the body is not energetically deficient.
Eating eggs does not cause glucose spikes
This is a very interesting egg property, especially in the morning. Just Keto Diet Australia When we wake up, our glucose is down there (after all, we spend at least 8 hours fasting) and all our bodies need is a carbohydrate source to restore their normal blood sugar levels.
It turns out that if you consume a carbohydrate as soon as you wake up and without a protein source together, your glucose levels rise very quickly, which forces the body to release a large amount of insulin to play that glucose to. Just Keto Diet Australia inside the cells. And guess what happens when all the glucose goes into the cells? That's right, your sugar levels go down again in what is known as the famous glucose spike.
When this happens, your brain signals you to feed again, which means feeling hungry right after you've just eaten a slice of bread with jam. Just Keto Diet Australia And the bad news is that it happens throughout the day, too, because when we don't eat for many hours, our glucose rates drop dramatically.
Because it has slow digestion and contains no carbohydrates, the egg does not cause large swings in blood glucose, which will help you control your appetite at the first meal of the day. Just Keto Diet Australia Consuming an egg before the main meal can help you stabilize blood glucose without having to suddenly change your appetite right away.
Eggs favor adiponectin synthesis
Just Keto Diet Australia Eating eggs can increase the production of adiponectin, a hormone that speeds up metabolism, increases fat burning, improves insulin sensitivity and decreases appetite.
Egg Thins
Just Keto Diet Australia For those not yet convinced of the benefits of egg for weight loss, the video below may help to clarify the matter further:
But doesn't the egg raise cholesterol?
The egg is undoubtedly the most controversial food in our diet; One day it's the best food in the world, the next you shouldn't even look at it. Just Keto Diet Australia Fortunately, however, much research in recent years has not only acquitted the egg but even recommended its consumption. So it seems like a good idea to adopt the boiled egg diet to lose weight.
For a good portion of medical professionals, eating up to 3 eggs a week does not raise cholesterol and may still be beneficial to health. Just Keto Diet Australia This is because, as we have seen, the egg is a source of a number of important nutrients for health, being considered even one of the most complete foods in the world.
In addition, scientists have proven that dietary cholesterol intake does not necessarily increase cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Just Keto Diet Australia The justification would be that the liver already produces a large amount of cholesterol every day. Thus, when we eat eggs in the diet, the liver tends to produce less cholesterol, keeping the total cholesterol levels in the circulation stable.
Just Keto Diet Australia Research suggests that for 70% of individuals, egg has no effect on cholesterol, while for the remaining 30%, egg consumption may slightly raise LDL (bad cholesterol) rates.
Just Keto Diet Australia Some people, however, have familial hypercholesterolemia, an inherited condition that is characterized by high blood LDL levels, regardless of dietary cholesterol intake. For those with the condition, egg consumption (egg whites are usually allowed) should be avoided, as this could further elevate total cholesterol levels.
Dietary Boiled Egg Diet Menu
Just Keto Diet Australia There is no specific menu for dieting the hard-boiled egg diet, since the goal is to combine the egg with a low-calorie diet rather than certain pre-selected foods.
Just Keto Diet Australia So what we have below is a low-calorie menu suggestion that includes a boiled egg (or poached) before each main meal. And yes, you should eat the egg before eating the main meal.
Just Keto Diet Australia Check out some tips for success with the boiled egg diet to lose weight:
Prefer rustic and organic eggs.
Just Keto Diet Australia Try eating the egg without salt, as sodium increases fluid retention and will make you swollen.
Just Keto Diet Australia Do not fry or add fat to eggs. To increase satiety, the egg should be cooked and, at most, accompanied by a natural seasoning such as oregano or parsley.
Just Keto Diet Australia An egg contains approximately 70 calories, which will give a total of 180 calories (for three eggs) to be included in your daily sum.
Just Keto Diet Australia Do not diet for more than a week, as the amount of eggs is too large and can cause kidney problems.
Just Keto Diet Australia Continuing with your normal diet and simply adding an egg will not make you lose weight; on the contrary, you may even get fat if you choose to simply add three eggs to your diet without making changes in eating habits.
Just Keto Diet Australia Drink plenty of water to facilitate the elimination of toxins and reduce swelling and to protect the kidneys, which may become overloaded when processing the large amount of egg protein.